Dental Check-Up

Professional level
We are constantly learning and developing
Modern materials
USA, Germany, Switzerland, Israel
Impeccable sterility
Strict adherence to hygiene requirements
Without pain and stress
For children and adults


Regardless of the required procedure, any treatment shall begin with preliminary diagnostics.

Primary diagnostic methods include visual inspection with a mirror, probing, percussion (tapping) and a thermal test (a jet of water or air is directed at the tooth). These techniques may be sufficient to diagnose cavities and other lesions of a tooth tissues (for example, abfractions, enamel erosion), as well as pulpitis (inflammation of the nerve in the tooth).

However, a doctor cannot see all the problems with an unaided eye. Inflammatory processes often occur deep in the tissues, and special equipment is required to diagnose such problems. The Rocca Dent clinic uses the most modern diagnostic equipment.


Hammaste kontroll ENHammaste kontroll hind
Basic price of an appointment at our clinic€17.00
Injection anesthesia€14.00
Preparing a prescription as a separate service€20.00
15 min consultation€15.00
30 min consultation€30.00
Diagnostics with an oral camera€15.00
Diagnostic dental photography€25.00

Our work


Rocca Dent is a contractual partner of the Health Insurance Fund in providing dental care for both children and adults.

Installment plan

In partnership with LIISI, we can offer you numerous options for dental services payment. The contract conclusion is quick and easy, all you have to do is to contact our administrator.

Our specialists

The treatment is carried out by experienced and highly qualified doctors. We have the necessary equipment and quality materials that may be required for a particular procedure. Dentists use innovative techniques that are used in the most developed countries of the world. All this allows us to take a leading position and remain one of the best clinics in Estonia.

Book a time

On the intercom to the left of the door, press
The clinic is located on the second floor.