
Professional level
We are constantly learning and developing
Modern materials
USA, Germany, Switzerland, Israel
Impeccable sterility
Strict adherence to hygiene requirements
Without pain and stress
For children and adults


One of the most common problems these days is a bad bite. In addition to an unsightly smile, it causes poor posture, facial deformities, headaches, snoring and, of course, tooth decay. Orthodontics deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this problem. Thanks to it, you get the correct bite, get rid of tartar. The jaw is evenly loaded, making it easier for you to chew even hard food. Articulation improves, because the tongue takes a comfortable position during the pronunciation of sounds.

Who is an orthodontist?

If you need a professional orthodontist in Tallinn, please contact our Roccadent clinic. His main task is to correct the teeth and bite. He also deals with prevention, treatment, diagnosis and the following anomalies:

  • Evaluates the condition of the oral cavity through examination, impressions and x-rays.
  • Develops individualized treatment separately for each patient based on the data collected.
  • Fits eliners or braces.
  • The orthodontist’s services also include monitoring during all stages of treatment, correction of the tooth row with the help of special appliances.
  • Gives recommendations regarding proper oral hygiene.

Our clinic also provides such a service as installation of self-ligating braces. And you will definitely like the prices, because they are quite affordable and democratic. We have professional specialists with extensive experience in this industry. They take into account all the wishes of clients, to each find an individual approach and answer questions.

When do I need to contact a specialist?

Treatment of dentition in Tallinn is a rather complicated process, so you should not delay, it is better to contact a dental clinic at once. You will need an orthodontist in the following situations:

  • Aesthetic dissatisfaction associated with the incorrect position of the tooth row.
  • Dissatisfaction with your profile, because it has a direct link to your bite.
  • Uncomfortable chewing due to a change in the position of neighboring teeth.
  • Headaches as a consequence of the incorrect position of the jaw.

If we talk about the correction of the bite in children, the baby should be shown to a specialist at the age of 1 year, until the milk teeth erupted. The dentist will assess how well the jaw and lips are clamped together. At the age of 3, it is possible to notice the preconditions for an incorrect bite. At the age of 5-7 years it is possible to start correcting the dentition.

Consultation with an orthodontist at Roccadent Clinic

A good orthodontist in Tallinn is able to correct misaligned teeth. Our clinic offers initial consultations. The dentist examines the position of the tooth row, assesses the bite, and performs a comprehensive diagnosis. Before prescribing therapy, he or she thoroughly examines your medical history (if any). The first stage most often consists of referral for various additional procedures, such as professional cleaning of tartar and plaque, filling, dental surgery may be necessary. At the first consultation you get information about the different options of therapy, the approximate cost for the whole course is announced. You will definitely be satisfied with the result and the quality of service.


Ortodontia ENOrtodontia hind
Orthodontist visit fee€60.00
Orthodontic Treatment with Clear Aligners (Aligners)
Diagnostics (condition detection, visualization, 3D image)€300.00
Orthodontic Treatment with Clear Aligners€1270.00...€4270.00
Fixation with a retainer (1 tooth)€50.00

Our work


Rocca Dent is a contractual partner of the Health Insurance Fund in providing dental care for both children and adults.

Installment plan

In partnership with LIISI, we can offer you numerous options for dental services payment. The contract conclusion is quick and easy, all you have to do is to contact our administrator.


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Our specialists

The treatment is carried out by experienced and highly qualified doctors. We have the necessary equipment and quality materials that may be required for a particular procedure. Dentists use innovative techniques that are used in the most developed countries of the world. All this allows us to take a leading position and remain one of the best clinics in Estonia.

Book a time

On the intercom to the left of the door, press
The clinic is located on the second floor.